What is MAJIKAO ??
MAJIKAO related company of OKAJIMA CO.,LTD We are importing by Kimono`s design from OKAJIMA.after We are doing revival and redesign of fits for young generation. Every design basically using by lining of Kimono there are call it ``HAURA``also every design was born in about 100 years ago made by Okajima`s artisan.There HAURA desing we have total 500 pattern. each design epic color contrast and super modern pattern.When I saw first time OKAJIMA`S HAURA design the contrast has been indelibly etched in my mind .Please check it our HAURA products
Have you ever heard of
lining of Kimono call by HAURA
Some of the our HAURA collection
one of the most typical design
``Red Snappers``
About 100 years ago Okajima`s artisan inspire from ``Kandinsky``you can see people mixing a very crowed and epic color balance
Hundred Beauty
They wearing typical Japanese clothing with blue and white some point is purple one of the most exotic tasting design our collection
There are 100% original HAURA sauce cross the over 100year now we are revival
``Kousi Monyou``
actually this is not original color contrast but feeling much more better from original so it`s mean MAJIKAO`s not only just install for products.any time we are thinking for which color is suits for now generations
`Olympic athletic ``
1937th Okajima`s artithan heard 1st of Berlin Olympic course no media in that gene but He writing in his blain form just some information.This design also color balance and sizing were changed by MAJIKAO
MAJIKAO`s first product use by HAURA install bike item dyeing also japanese technic
- Length 2,9m
- Wide 2cm
- Made in Japan
- 4 design
Its not normal cap there are cycle cap usefully for cycle when riding the hard and climb hill protect of your face from sweat
- Size free maximum head 60cm
- Material 100%Cotton
- Made in kyoto
- 4 design
Concept is any seen makes the fun HAURA
- Size you can adjustable for fit maximum head 62cm
- Material 100%Cotton
- Made in kyoto
- 5 design